Remote Sensing Specialist | Postdoctoral Researcher | PhD in Forestry and Environmental Resources

Presently working as a Remote Sensing Specialist with Chem-Air, LLC while also a Postdoctoral Researcher under Dr. Rachel Cook and the Forest Productivity Cooperative in the department of Forestry and Environmental Resources at North Carolina State University.
I have a passion for geospatial analytics, remote sensing and advancing technology in the natural resources industry. I am a full-stack developer intrigued by data science and its potential applications for natural resource management at all scales.
I am an expert in the development of algorithms and models for optimizing forest productivity in the United States; I enjoy working with enormous amounts of data and strategically manipulating them to tell beautiful and educational stories. My current research focus is in deriving actionable insight and service provision from ultra-high density LiDAR datasets.
Domain Expertise
Remote Sensing
Forestry & Forest Ecology
Soil Science
Recent Research
North Carolina State University
Ph.D., Forestry & Environmental Resources
North Carolina State University
B.Sc., Forest Management
Cohrs, C.W., Cook, R.L., Albaugh, T.J., Schulte, M.L., Carter, D.R., Campoe, O.C., & Rubilar, R.A. (2021). Using conditional inference forests to model Pinus taeda growth response to nutrient additions and assess soil variable importance across the southeastern US. Forest Ecology and Management. in preparation.
Albaugh, T. J., Albaugh, J. M., Carter, D. R., Cook, R. L., Cohrs, C. W., Rubilar, R. A., & Campoe, O. C. (2021). Duration of response to nitrogen and phosphorus applications in mid-rotation Pinus taeda. Forest Ecology and Management, 498, 119578. link to article
Gao, X., Gray, J., Cohrs, C. W., Cook, R., & Albaugh, T. J. (2020). Longer greenup periods associated with greater wood volume growth in managed pine stands. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 297, 108237. link to article
Cohrs, C.W., R.L. Cook, J.M. Gray, and T.J. Albaugh. (2020). Sentinel-2 Leaf Area Index Estimation for Pine Plantations in the Southeastern United States. Remote Sensing. 12, 1406. link to article
Technical Proficiencies
Software & Libraries